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joi, 2 aprilie 2015

Imagine that in your life you meet many doors. Each door leads to a road. Some doors are forced and pushed them open. On the other open them if you want, because you are given the right to choose.
You should open each door to see where it leads. Some do not open because they do not have courage and trust you and others do not open for you choose others in their place. Some doors lead to lengthy road full of trials and obstacles. Others lead to nowhere ...
There are doors leading to people that really need to meet them. Some doors leading into oblivion ... Sometimes you are tempted to open doors, beautiful glow promise, but discover that their polishing was misleading, because you have found only disappointment. But the doors are old, less beautiful, not promise anything, but instead lead to the most beautiful roads.
There are some huge doors that you want to open, hoping for something, but unfortunately, I immediately opened to reveal just a wall. There are doors that you want to open them, but others you slam your face, and do everything possible to stop you.
Some doors make you think that you have reached the end of the road and that no return, but you surprised to discover a new door that gives you another chance.
Some doors have a small window through which you can see what awaits you and others do not. Find out where you go only after you have opened and, often, the return is irreversible. Some doors are protected with iron gratings, or are too high and it is impossible to open. Only you regard others as they open and you're wondering how be beyond them ...
Some doors allow you to be together, and some must pass through one, forcing you to leave loved ones behind. There are doors that you want to reopen, but remain closed forever after you have chosen to close behind. They bring in your soul longing and regret ...
You never know how many doors you meet in life. Even when you think your way over, there is still a new door that can take you on a journey unexpectedly beautiful
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