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luni, 6 aprilie 2015

Until people have developed intellectual capacity enough to not be subjected to the action of nature, I mean immediate action, was the basic law of natural selection combined with natural mechanisms regulating population growth of a species. We arrived today, a planetary plague that threatens to destroy the source that gave life. It is enough just to look around us and see how much damage I did. I have dirty water, polluted air and I've changed the composition (see ozone layer), destroy vegetation by the day or by cutting forests or by environmental pollution, how fierce animals (tigers, lions) and high (whales, rhinos, elephants) do not have room for us, and we use natural resources such as unlimited etc, etc. On top of that, as a "bonus", the number of beings that cause this disaster is growing by the day and are armed with weapons and stronger, and more sophisticated in order to destroy the planet better. I do not think that is enough only education to stop this trend. Most people smart, educated, able to see what is bad and what is good, unfortunately put their intellectual capacity in the service of money, discovery and invention which increases the destructive potential of the human race. All inventions represent the pinnacle of humanity the problem is that it depends on how we apply them to not turn into weapons against us. What could be more wonderful that a book? And yet, if you have to cut all the forests to manufacture paper, we die, because symbolically cut the branch under our feet. Do not tell anyone living in cold caves or in dark caves. Must we print newspapers to hundreds of pages, of which 60% is advertising material? It's a figure of speech. I counted them. Should we publish thousands of magazines full of rumors, gossip and other "information" worthless, only for those who bring money to print? What could be more wonderful as electricity? Should we light polluted skies, he should not we glimpse a star? It is not so important to see neon signs, which may urge us to eat worse, is becoming alcoholic, abusing more than nature? Our problem is not lack of intelligence, but lust for power. We always have trouble answering the question: How much is enough? We always say to ourselves: "When do I have enough money, I will ..." but did not invent numbers large enough to define " enough staff ". We are strong enough to define the good of others, but not ours. What better example can be other than Bill Gates? If he does not quite reached ... Is out of what we consume in this world more important for us? And the answer is that we need power, we want power at any cost, and that money is always measured power.   As long as you are interested in money, to the extent that they allow you to ponder, think is good. When collecting money becomes an end in itself, I think that is a problem, and I think that is a serious problem, especially when it becomes the aim of most of the human race. Maybe you should just give up our name as homo sapiens species and to call Homo Dollaris. Why not? If that is our basic concern? If that is the defining feature? If that is the common denominator? Why can not we feel satisfaction in something useful, in a beautiful, into something good? I do not know, but that's not important. The important thing is whether what prevents us is related to our nature and therefore can not be changed, or is it something to do with education, that if we had enough mind, or the chance of a dictator wise, we could turn in that Homo Sapiens that we want to associate. You can go up one more time we can know, we can make up a little. You do need to be aware that the results of our actions today, we will reap tomorrow, or perhaps more correctly would be to say that we will hit tomorrow. I wrote these lines, hoping that, although I often solutions are too idealistic, if I can convince at least two people, not my right, but only to put the problem, I took a step, and as the adage says: "Every journey begins with a first step." Or from another perspective saw the situation, not the straw that pierces stone is one that has all the credit, but endless string of beads that have failed to do so. The Internet is perhaps what will help us to become better, not pointless discussion, or dissemination of pornographic material, but because it is an environment where everyone can say what we each can play a drop.

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