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joi, 2 aprilie 2015

aspect of your own being

Everything you see is trying to show you who you really are, that a mirror. This theory is not easy to accept. Although it's not complicated, it is difficult in practice because our pride is felt deeply offended, especially if what we observe mind. And even when we admire someone, sometimes it's hard to accept that we are not a person so special that we are indeed the image that you look. What you see around you? How do you see the people with whom you live? How do you see those you work with? How do people generally see on the street or shopping? All that reflects you look .
If you use this mirror theory at least a few times every day, your life would produce a significant change. Suppose, for help to know yourself, to evolve and you really see, you were surrounded by mirrors. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you can continuously see in a mirror. Rather than see people aggressive people bother or extraordinary beings, replace them with a mirror and your life will take a full course again. When you look in the bathroom mirror, it's pretty clear that the person you're looking at you. Whether you or a frowning face radiant, joyful or sad, soft or spotty, you know very well that you are talking about. If you do not like the image that you see in the mirror you do not mind, do you? Exactly the same thing happens in your life: all the people you meet reflects an aspect of your own being .
Mind if another motorist after you, lead miserable. I cut way? What's your first reaction? You mad, a judge that person, a criticism? If so, the next time the same thing happens to proceed as follows: after the first moments of fear, trying to figure out what bothered the other's behavior. That was going too fast? Disrespect? Careless? If you feel it's a lack of respect or attention, ask yourself what your life situation of manifest lack of respect or attention to someone. Try to find out when others want to impose your own ideas to change the way of life of others, etc., be it the spouse, children or colleagues serviciiu.
Does it bother you to see someone with a better situation than you? He felt some envy or jealousy of someone who has a house more beautiful than yours, elegant clothes, a better job, a higher salary or title most imposing? Especially if you think you work more than person and you think you deserve at least as it? In this case, you'd probably much all those things. But who stops you get them? No one else but you. The feeling that you deserve, thought not good to be rich, wealthy people are thieves and so on, blocking their implementation. Whatever the reason, you decided, in one time or another in your life, you do not deserve nice things - and this is the only reason you have not!
Suppose you see someone eating too much, drinking in excess, it can not control and get angry. Notice what troubles you. Lack of control? Dependence? If it's lack of control, you're about to realize that you yourself, at certain times, you can not master the senses and do not like this behavior. Often in life, because you do not want to see yourself and accept yourself as you are, you try to control yourself, you stumble to eat or safisface your senses. In this type of control when you want to yourself one thing, but acting against your desire, there is a tension and, in one time or another, everything ends up exploding. Then the diseases or problems as alcoholism, bulimia or sexual obsessions.
If you try to control your life excessively, one will disturb your senses completely. It is important to learn to master. But how do you get to become your own master? First, accepting that currently happen to lose your self-control and it does not mean that you are a "bad". Admit that you did not intend to be so throughout life, even if you do not have the power now to keep things under control. You must accept fully and allow yourself that sometimes you lose your composure. However, you are only paying a price. You will cease to judge and to judge others and gradually you get to solve your problem, regardless of its nature.
When someone is not his own master, he is not in touch with his true power, the power to create their own life. Most people are facing varying degrees of dependence, large or small. Very few are those who expect nothing from something or someone to be happy. Learning to master, to know better, we will gradually release all dependencies.
The way you see yourself is what project it onto others. Do your best to see the beauty all around you! This will affect all life, because beauty is the most important need of the emotional body. The more you see the beauty in you and around you, the more your life will become more beautiful. It is up to you to surround yourself with beauty!
Your life can change from one moment to another depending on what you choose to see. Nobody can make you see things, people or situations differently than you want. Of course, you can influence others, but you return your final decision. This is the power to create your own life. It is an extraordinary power: to see beauty everywhere. Your spirit conscious and subconscious feeds on what your senses perceive. Everything you read, all eyes are captured with food for the spirit. You decide if this food it enriches or ill.

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