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joi, 2 aprilie 2015

  Soul is the mirror of our thoughts...

Intelligence is hardly intelligence head; it is the quality of being well informed. True intelligence is the intelligence of the heart, the only intelligence there. The head is just a battery. He is eternally old, never again, never original. It is good for certain purposes; as a file, it's very good. And in life we ​​need it - many things to be kept in mind. Accumulate one he and knowledge whenever you need them, take them out. Good head for mathematics, the calculations for everyday life. But if you think this is your whole life, you have to stay bad. You will not ever know the beauty of feeling, you never know blessings to heart. You will never know the grace that descends only in the heart, which only deity in the heart. There will never know prayer, poetry will never know, will never know love.
Intelligence heart brings poetry in your life, you learn dance steps, you make life a joy, a celebration, a continuous laughter. It gives you a sense of humor. It makes you capable of love. This is real life.
The life that is lived head is a mechanical life. Become a robot - can very effectively. Robots are very efficient, machines are more efficient than man. The head can win more, but you will not live more. You can have a better standard of living, but you will not have life. Life is the heart. Life can only grow in the heart. Life, love, spirit grow only in the soil of the heart. Everything is beautiful, everything is really valuable, whatever is meaningful, important comes from the heart. The heart is the head just periphery. A live head is to live on the periphery, without ever getting to know the beauty and colors of the center. Living with heart and use your head whenever needed intelligence means.
But center lord, is the core of your being. Master's heart and the head servant's just - that's intelligence. When the head becomes the master and the heart is forgotten by all, that's silly. It's up to you to choose. Remember, the head of a slave is a slave nice, very helpful. But the owner is a dangerous master and will destroy your whole life, you will poison your whole life.
Look around you. People's life is totally poisoned, poisoned head. They no longer feel, no longer sensitive, nothing longer moves. The sun rises, but they do nothing leaps; looking at the sun with empty eyes. The sky is filled with stars, but their hearts remain insensitive to the infinite beauty sprinkled with stars, not every song rises from the heart.
Man forgets to sing. Clouds come in the sky and dancing peacocks, but the man knows how to dance. He became a cripple. Give trees in bloom - but man thinks, never feels, and without feeling flowering is impossible.
Get out of this state! Let life be romance, a little adventure. Explore! Millions of beauties and splendors await you. Keep moving in a circle, without going in Temple life. The door of the temple is the heart ...
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