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vineri, 10 aprilie 2015

Space tourism: The founder of Amazon, ready to propel the business and cosmos

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Space tourism: The founder of Amazon, ready to propel the business and cosmos
Amazon.com founder and chairman of the trust, Jeff Bezos, is going to operate as passenger transport between Earth and the International Space Station. Bezos holds Blue Origin, a company specializing in the development of new space technologies, which in time became an integral part of Boeing. Both representatives aerospace giant, as well as the owner of Jeff Bezos Blue Origin, NASA expects these days notice of award for program "space tourism". While not officially been made ​​public the award of the tender, almost everyone looks meaningfully at Boieing as private people carrier next to the International Space Station. A news that could exacerbate existing rivalry between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, the man behind the success of Tesla and SpaceX founder of a rival giant Boeing, see Wall Street Journal.

Space travel for tourists: How much is a ticket and you can admire the ship
Several Chinese businessmen have already booked seats for travel in space, and if everything goes according to plan, unusual expedition will take place by the end of this year. Space travel agency in the Netherlands Space Expedition Corporation (SXC) signed an agreement with a travel company in China, Dexo Travel, which will result in more Chinese space rich, writes China Daily. The sixth space tourist took off for ISS President Dexo Travel, Zhang Yong, said that over 100 people have expressed interest in reserve places for a trip into space on 27 December 2013 to present. They will travel with two spacecraft or Lynx Mark I, which will be launched in late 2014 and Lynx Mark II, which will begin its 2015 cruises. So far, two Chinese businessmen have completed all the formalities for space travel, they are scheduled for 2015. "Money is not a problem for the rich. Space tourism is no longer only for billionaires, "said Zhang. 700 people bought from Richard Branson space travel Of the 500 people who arrived in the area so far, only a few astronauts were private. To embark on a spaceship, businesses must pay at least 95,000 dollars. Such a ship can fly with only two, namely an astronaut and tourist, who will sit on the copilot's seat.

700 people bought from Richard Branson space travel
British billionaire and Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, managed to sell 700 tickets for space travel which is to achieve with Virgin Galactic. Richard Branson said it was a "matter of months" until the spacecraft will be ready Release. Each ticket cost $ 200,000 and the money raised helped to finance the project in the last round, writes The Telegraph. The businessman has revealed that each flight will only take 3 hours to avoid high costs. Instead he has big plans for the future, including a space hotel for people who want to go into space during the holidays. The first private space airport, inaugurated by Richard Branson asked if launched this project because "no longer find interesting things Earth, "Branson has revealed that he wanted to get into space since the days when Neil Armstrong stepping saw the moon in 1969. But he knows that NASA will never send ordinary people into space, he decided to make their own space tourism company. He said the vast majority of people would like to go into space, "provided you are guaranteed ticket back," he joked. "So far only 500 people were in space. We want to go into space the same number of people from the first year."
The ship that will carry tourists into space first flight - see how it went

A company Virgin Galactic spaceship, who would fly the first tourists into space in 2014, made ​​the first flight over the Mojave Desert American. SpaceShipTwo rocket plane, British billionaire Richard Branson owned company, approached and more to carry tourists into space, says Los Angeles Times. The ship has ignited engines Monday at 7.02 pm local time (18.02 GMT - n.red.) in the first flight, which reached a higher speed than that of sound, Mach 1.2, reaching an altitude of over 17,000 feet. The test took place about 160 miles northeast of Los Angeles and is the most important landmark in the eight and a half years since Virgin Galactic and aims to be the first commercial space line to make a few trips into space every day fee. During the test, SpaceShipTwo was built in air up to 14,300 feet from an aircraft carriers for about 45 minutes, then was "thrown". After a brief fall, the pilot and co-pilot Mark Stucky Mike Alsbury started hybrid engine, fueled by nitrous oxide and a rubber blend for 16 seconds, during which the ship reached a speed of Mach 1.2. The entire test lasted more than 10 minutes, ending with a soft landing in the Mojave Desert.

Ashton Kutcher, space tourist

Ashton Kutcher, space tourist

Actor Ashton Kutcher will become the 500th astronaut of Virgin Galactic, owned by billionaire Richard Branson. Ad actor for 34 years, the former husband of Demi Moore, will go into space was made ​​months even Richard Branson, on his blog, reports the Daily Mail. He wrote that he called to congratulate Ashton personally and as the star of Two and a Half Men is delighted that he will be able to pass this last frontier. Ashton Kutcher has not yet commented on this issue, but resumed his message Branson on Twitter. A trip into space, back and forth, has a starting price of $ 200,000. Those in Ashton's situation must go through a training program, which involves including three days of training in Spaceport, in order to ensure that passengers are physically and mentally fit for this mission. The shuttle will make a sub-orbital journey of about six minutes of weightlessness, the whole flight lasts 3.5 hours, during which speeds up to 4828 kilometers. Ashton Kutcher is not the only celebrity with such extravagant desires. Victoria Principal, Pamela Dallas already has bought a ticket for such a trip, being the third person who has expressed a desire to travel in space using a private service.

The first private spacecraft could take off in 2012
The first private spacecraft could take off in 2012 when British tycoon Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Galactic manages to get off the ground missile. This, which aims for years to launch a rocket into space, says the tests to commute going very ok. "I think we have a launch in the next 12 months," he said, CNN, AFP informs. The billionaire says that the launch would mean entering the space age on the basis of shuttle trade, and hope to send people into space and to launch satellites at much lower costs than are currently in government programs. Virgin Galactic has already sold the first 430 tickets for travel in space, priced at $ 200,000 each, and Branson hopes to build a hotel in space, and set the space tourism. It is not known but very rich when the company's customers will get to fly in space: first, Branson said he could shuttle launch in 2008, after which he said that in 2010 and thereafter gave up estimate when will launch. NASA halted in July, space flight program, with the last mission of the shuttle Atlantis, which was decommissioned ago, only Russian Soyuz shuttle can make flights into space, but they were recorded incidents ground after launch. Four companies (Boeing, SpaceX, Sierra Nevada and Blue Origin) receiving government funding in order to continue.

NASA reveals a secret project: space shuttle that will take you to another world

 Virgin Galactic

 NASA reveals a secret project: space shuttle that will take you to another world

US space agency has released plans for building a spacecraft that can lead us asteroids and Mars. This is called MPCV (Multi-Puropse Crew Vehicle) and is based on some elements of an older project, called Orion informs the Daily Galaxy. The new shuttle will send mission and crew and supplies to the International Space Station, now in orbit around the Earth. Congress urged NASA to finish building the shuttle and propulsion system until 2016. US President Barack Obama wants the US to focus on tourism and space. In this regard, it aims to attract funds from private sources and working with some companies in order to build the future of commuting. Currently, the company SpaceX, California, is involved in the project.

The fierce competition in space tourism

The fierce competition in space tourism (Video)



Space agencies of some powerful states with private companies specialized in aeronautics space entered the competition for supremacy holding if space tourism. In the coming years, tourism in space will no longer be a mere fantasy of eccentric writes the French daily Le Figaro, which presents the main companies that have already started in the competition "space tourism". Russia has decided to revive the space tourism program aboard the International Space Station in 2013. The American company Space Adventures has this week signed a new agreement with the Agency Space Russian Soyuz space capsule and producer, to conduct "space trip" since 2013. In this project is geared and Boeing, which will have to provide transportation to the ISS operational by 2015. "Space Tourism" is not will be limited to travel on board the ISS, many private companies are developing programs suborbital flights at altitudes up to 100 km. Space Adventures & Armadillo Aerospace company Space Adventures pioneer in the field of tourism space, investing in this market fabulous sums in partnership Armadillo Aerospace with company specializing in missile launches and takeoffs returnable verti way.

Another private company in competition for the conquest of outer space



A private company in Manchester, UK, wants to be the first private company that will perform in outer space tourist launches 2015. In 2011, British enthusiasts want to test their manned recheta, Starchaser LES at the space center New Mexico, says the Daily Mail. The company wants to tourists space mission to become operational by 2015, already built rocket booster. Thus the British want to overtake them on the great experts in the field, especially the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. Two anonymous tourists have already paid 250,000 pounds in advance to be the first to go out for 23 minutes in outer space, on a orbit 62 miles from Earth. Bennett, who leads the project Starchaser, said: "Their aim is to open the space frontier for everyone and to make easier and cheaper access to space." The biggest problem with that But facing the private company is financing. The two passionate while helping to promote the project, through a program of awareness and knowledge of outer space SPACE4SCHOOLS in schools in the UK, teaching students the opportunity notions about rockets and space travel.

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