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vineri, 17 aprilie 2015

     Bob Marley Life Story the King of Regae...

Bob Marley Biography
Full Name: Robert Nesta Marley
Born: February 6, 1945
Died: May 11, 1981
Married to: Rita Marley
Children: 9 (4 with Rita) A few of the most well known Bob Marley offsprings are Cedella Marley named after his mother, Stephen Marley, Stephanie Marley, Jah Nesta Marley, Karen Marley, Kimani Marley, Julian Marley, David also known as “Ziggy Marley”, and Damion “Junior Gong” Marley the product of an extra marital affair with former Miss Universe Cindy Breakspeare.
Bob Marley Biography:Bob Marley's Father

Robert Nesta Marley more popularly known as Bob Marley was the biological product of a mixed race relationship.
His teenaged mother at the time Cedella, became involved with a white middle aged man by the name of Norval Marley.
Norval was of an English upper class background. This fact placed a strain on the relationship between the two from the very beginning.
While Cedella was pregnant with Bob she and Norval were engaged to be married, however the engagement was called off only one week prior to the wedding.
The society at the time was much less receptive of a mixed race relationship especially between two people from such different social and economic backgrounds.

Bob Marley Biography:Move to the Concrete Jungle of Kingston

Bob was born in the humble community of Nine Miles in St.Ann. Not many opportunities existed in such rural areas at the time. This prompted young Cedella to later move to the concrete jungle of Kingston’s inner city.
The jungle of choice was Trench Town which would later feature prominently in Bob’s songs. His mother moved in search of a better life but Trench Town proved futile in providing the Marley family with any economic gain.
The area in which they now resided lacked several things such as access to basic amenities and had a host of other oppressive soci-economic conditions present.
On the other hand the community proved to be rich as a source of inspiration for Bob’s music. Later this inspiration would be infused with themes of inequality, injustice, oppression, poverty, the need for peace and basic human rights ,into his music.

Bob Marley Biography:Bob Marley's Conversion to the Rastafarian Faith

In the mid part of his career he gravitated under the influence of his wife Rita towards Rastafari.
When His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie had visited Jamaica in April of 1966, Rita claimed to have had an experience which convinced her that this man Selassie was her true god.
When Bob became serious about the faith he is said to have approach a reputable member of the faith Mortimer Planno. Throughout his career Marley’s music would reflect various themes from lessons he had learned since his conversion to the Rastafarian faith.
A closer examination of his lyrics reveals that Marley was no doubt influenced by another powerful prophet in the form of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
Songs such as “Africa Unite” and messages such as “emancipate yourselves from mental slavery" reflects the philosophy and thought of Garvey.
The unification of black people, a return to Africa the motherland and building black pride and self esteem all appealed to Marley who as a ghetto youth knew that this message was relevant and right.

Bob Marley Biography:Bob Marley's mystique 

He was a man obsessed with privacy and devoted much of his lifetime protecting this mystique.
It is alleged that not even some of his closes allies, family and associates were every able to get a full picture of Marley the man.
His unfathomable easy going attitude towards life added to his allure as a Rasta Man.
Rising like the phoenix from the ashes he was able to rise out his humble Trench Town beginnings to become a superstar.
His lyrics were able to transcend languages, cultures and nationalities.

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