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joi, 2 aprilie 2015

There is no faster way to evolve only through your relationship with the other

love coupleIf you feel alone inside, if you feel incomplete in, you seek rest of your life outside of your being to find what can not be found. And after living the same experience over and over again, you end up in a series of relationships that do not last. Relationships do not last because you do not understand what you're doing here. You try to find fulfillment - instead of creating fulfillment. Trying to find joy - joy instead create. Trying to find realization - instead of creating achievement. Do you think the relationship is a process of discovery - not so. It is a creative process. The same can be said about life.You say you tried to "create" joy, happiness and fulfillment in relationship, but sometimes the other person still left? And it took you joy, happiness and fulfillment in life? When they were not even there in the first place. No one can take with him what is inside you. Therefore you do not need a relationship to create happiness and fulfillment. All are "in". Use a relationship to live their experience.
Once you have a relationship with life, with God, with all that is within you, the relationships we have with all and with all your outside will be an experience of joy, happiness and fulfillment - because you these le- you put there. In any case the other person in your relationship. Put this on your shoulders loved and will flee from you because you will see a goal that will not be filled.
The purpose of the relationship is to find fulfillment, but to share your own fulfillment. Not finding joy, but to share your own joy. Do not you find happiness, but share your own happiness. If you're happy when you get into a relationship, you have to put in it what happiness - and in human relations you can find just what you put there.
That's true of everything that is contained in the Life. So Contextual relationship exists as a field as a support or as a vessel in which you pour everything you are. Then you can put your hand in it and out of there every aspect - or aspects of yourself - you want to express and experience them. Now. You can not pull the ship something that you did not put there. It's a mistake to wait for someone else to give you that thing.
In short, a relationship means giving, not receiving. It means both. But what you get in a relationship, get to you. The illusion is that you get from the other. And so what you get is just what you. That's the secret. If you imagine that you will get what you are not willing or able to give, you'll be disappointed - and you will disappoint the other. You are able to give any wish to receive. There is nothing you want from a relationship, you can not to give in a relationship.
Analyze the possibility that you enter in relation to remembering how to be greater than you. This is the purpose of all relationships and all that is life.
I said "The purpose of life is to get yourself re-create the next great version of the highest vision you ever had about who you are." [...] The main goal is the development of a relationship. Evolution is the basic purpose in all. And there is no faster way to advance, but by another process outside of your relationship.
Holy relationship is one in which your inward exeriorul meets someone else and that someone else inward meets your outside and, in the best of times, both outside heat melts both lăuntruri, allowing them to meet, to awaken the conscience that are identical and form one - and live the experience. This is the world, expression of what you call love.
The purpose of a relationship is to provide a field of experience within which to find yourself, you define, and - if so choose - to constantly recreate Who You Are.
Relationship - your relationship with everything around - was created as a perfect tool in the work of the soul. For this reason, all human relationships are sacred realm. Therefore every personal relationship is sacred. Marriage is a sacred mystery, but not because of the sacred obligations involved, but rather because of the unique opportunity it represents. Do not you ever in a relationship of some only of obligation. Whatever you do, be debt wonderful opportunity which I offer this relationship in order to decide and be who you really are.
Keep a relationship does not mean that it is successful. Try not to confuse longevity with a job well done. Remember that your mission on this planet is not to see how long you can keep a relationship, but to decide and live the experience of who you really are. [...] Long-standing relationships provide outstanding opportunities to grow together, to express yourself together and hone together - this is the reward you get.
First make sure you begin a relationship for the right reasons. Most people start a relationship reasons "wrong" - not to be alone, to fill a gap, to be loved or to love - and these are some of the best reasons. Others do it to save his ego to get rid of depression, improve sex life, to recover from another relationship or perhaps to escape boredom.
You mean you have not entered into any relationship for these reasons, but because "love you". I do not think you ever analyzed why you fell in love, I do not think you ever thought what requirements you answer this feeling that you were so satisfied guests. For most people, love comes as a response to meet their specific needs. Both see each other the chance to meet these needs. From now fall tacitly agree on a deal. I give you what I have, you give me what you got. It is a transaction which does not tell the truth. Do not say "negotiate with you" but "I love you".
I wonder what is wrong to fall in love head over without you think about this? Nothing. Fall in love at how many people want. But if you intend to create a relationship with them for a living, you might want to keep and think less.
On the other hand, if you like to go through a relationship that the water - or, even worse, to stay in one because I think that "so must" and live a life of quiet desperation - if you like to repeat the same patterns of the past, go ahead and do what you do now.
But if you want a successful long-term relationship, be sure to start relationship with a purpose, that both of you consciously agreed that this goal is to give you an opportunity, not an obligation - an opportunity to will develop fully express your self, lift up your lives to their highest potential, you banished any thought or idea petty fake that you've ever had about yourself and you finally united with God , the communion of your two souls - if you do oath, instead vows that you made, the relationship has a very good start. You have started well!
You must know and understand challenges and moments that will be quite heavy. Do not try to avoid them. Greet them with gratitude. Consider them as wonderful gifts from God; splendid opportunity to meet what you did to enter into relationship - and life. Try and get that all the time to consider your partner not as an enemy, as an opponent. In fact try not see anything or anyone as an enemy; even as a problem. Learn techniques to consider all your problems as opportunities of being and decide who you really are.
In this case, broadens your horizon extends your depth of vision, see that it is more in you than you seem. View it more and your partner. Because there is much more. Just to show you fear stops him. If he notes that you see more, will feel safe to show you what you have already seen. Because people tend to see themselves in what we see in them. The vision is our grandest, the most grandiose is their desire to achieve and to show some of them that we've shown it.
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